Agendas and Minutes

Murweh Shire Council holds a monthly Council Meeting. This meeting is held in the Council Chambers at the Murweh Shire Council office from 9.00am on the third Wednesday of each month.

In accordance with the provisions of Section 257 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, notice is given that Ordinary meetings of Council will generally be held on the third Wednesday of each month commencing at 9:00 am, in the Council Chambers, 95-101 Alfred St, Charleville, unless otherwise advised.

January February March April May June July August  September October  November December 
Tue 21-Jan 9:00am Wed 19-Feb 9.00am Wed 19-March 9.00am Wed 16-April 9.00am Wed 21-May 9.00am Wed 18-June 9.00am Wed 16-July 9.00am Wed 20-Aug 9.00am

Wed 17-Sept 9.00am

Wed 22-Oct 9.00am Wed 19-Nov 9.00am Wed 17-Dec 9.00am

Please note that any change to meeting dates will be published on Council’s social media.

Minutes of a Council meeting remain unconfirmed until the next meeting of Council

Agendas and Minutes

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